The silk backdrop you are renting is very expensive to produce and it can be difficult or impossible to repair. If it is allowed to get wet, torn or dirty, significant repair costs can accrue to you.

Small tears and simple repairs can be accomplished by our staff with a charge of $30.00 per hour. If we need to touch up the dye work of a drop, the charge is $50.00 per hour with a minimum charge of $50.00.

Major costs can also accrue to you if the drop becomes wet, as the flame proofing will “salt” out and the marks must be removed by cleaning and flame proofing the entire piece. The cost for this procedure amounts to .50 per square foot or about $150 for a 12’ x 24’ panel. Similar charges will result if the drapery becomes soiled. Large tears, paint over spray, oil and grease stains usually cannot be removed and result in the need to replace the piece. The custom-dyed silk fabric costs can run up to $200.00 per yard. For example, a12’ x 24’ drops cost as much as $7,000, and the larger 24’ x 40’ drops can run as high as $12,500.

In order to reduce the incidence of damage, it is recommended that only experienced personnel handle the drop and that they adhere to the following additional handling guidelines:

  • When unpacking the backdrop, make certain the area is clean and dry to reduce the chance of staining or otherwise damaging the drop and, if possible, use a new, clean plastic drop cloth under the piece.
  • Do not allow the drops to get wet or to be used where they are exposed to moisture or the weather.
  • Use care when tying the drop to battens and pipes, or when sliding pipes into the hem pockets. Allow time for the drop to hang with pipe weights in place along the bottom hem so that wrinkles will be minimized. A commercial steamer will remove most wrinkles.
  • If clamps are used directly on the silk, be sure they are rubber tipped or that cloth is used beneath the clamp to reduce the chance of damage to the drop.
  • Pinning or tacking the drop to a wall with push pins is not recommended, but it can be carefully done ONLY in the reinforced area along the top hem. If the drop is tacked, then accidentally pulled, small tears can occur and you will be charged for any repairs.
  • When your performance is over, lower the drop onto a clean surface, removing all remnants of, tape, dirt, staples and other items. Do not roll dirt or other debris into the backdrop or damage could occur resulting in costly repairs. Replace the drop in its shipping bag and seal with tape for protection when it is being returned to our studio.
  • By observing these procedures, the backdrop will remain in good condition and costly repairs can be avoided.